Lennon Sisters

Cleveland, OH

July 12, 2009

Photos submitted by Carol Dotzel




Evelyn Ferstl, Linda Ciotti, Carol Dotzel & Terry O'Donnell


Kathy, Janet & Mimi


















Kathy, Janet & Mimi


Kathy, Janet & Mimi








Kathy & Janet


Kathy, Janet & Mimi








Kathy, Janet & Mimi


Kathy, Janet & Mimi singing & dancing with Janet's granddaughters








Kathy & Janet with Janet's granddaughters


One of Janet's granddaughters performs with her Best Pals doll










Kathy, Janet & Mimi








Janet, Kathy & Mimi


Kathy, Janet & Mimi








Kathy, Janet & Mimi with Janet's granddaughters










Kathy, Janet & Mimi & one of Janet's granddaughters sign autographs


Carol with Kathy, Janet & Mimi